The little things that you do with your baby today, will amount to a great deal of things in their future. 

Don’t you agree?

Well, here are the top Super Parent Tips from the second episode of The Prodigy Show that tell you how and why the little things are important. 


  • Mess it up!


Babies are playful and cute but, they often make a mess. Whenever they do, let them be. Don’t rush to clean the mess right away. When your baby is playing, they are also learning things and exploring their creative side. Interrupting them disrupts their mental process. So, whenever your baby is doing any kind of activity, be it painting, water play, foam play, or even if they are just playing with fruits or vegetables, or simply with rice or pasta, never stop them no matter how messy it gets. They might throw things around and even try to break them. Be patient and remember that they are actually stimulating their brains, which will help them to discover and think sharply, intelligently, and build on that smartness as well.


  • Confidence is the key!


When babies are...

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